Welcome to the Redwood Technologies Limited (part of Redwood Technologies Group Limited) privacy and cookies policy. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your Personal Data (as defined by applicable data privacy laws) and other information that we may collect or process.


  • 通过直接关系,通过我们的网站 (the “Website”);
  • Through information provided under contractual arrangements with our business partners and customers, with whom you will have a direct relationship. Details of the information provided will be available through the privacy policy of the respective business partner or customer, who will be the data controller. This information is not available through the Website and is processed by our sister company Content Guru Limited (also part of Redwood Technologies Group Limited).

This policy provides you with details about the personal information collected by us, and provided to us through the Website, how we store and use your personal information, 以及你控制我们持有的关于你的个人信息的权利.

If accessing or browsing the Website, please read this privacy and cookies policy carefully. By accessing or browsing the Website, you confirm that you have read, understood, 并完全同意本隐私和cookies政策. If you do not agree to this privacy and cookies policy in its entirety, you must not use the Website.

我们已经尽力保持这个隐私和cookie政策尽可能简单, 但如有不熟悉的条款,请告知我们, or have any other questions.

本隐私和cookie政策最后更新于2021年5月5日. Please check back regularly to keep informed of any updates to this privacy and cookies policy.

Who we are

Content Guru Limited (“we”, “our”, “us”) is a company registered in England and Wales (registration number 05653869), whose registered office is at Radius Court, Eastern Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2UP. Content Guru Limited is also a company registered in England and Wales (registration number 05653869).

We respect your right to privacy and will only process personal information that you provide, or that is provided to us, under applicable data privacy laws. 我们将是输入本网站的任何数据的数据控制人, and will be the processor for data provided to us by our business partners and customers.

If you have any questions about how we collect, store or use personal information, 或者如果你有任何其他与隐私有关的问题, please contact us by any of the following means:

  • Phone us at: +[44] (0) 1344 304344; or
  • E-mail us at:; or
  • Write to us at: Information Security, Content Guru Limited, Radius Court, Eastern Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2UP, United Kingdom.


The personal information we collect about you

When you access or browse the Website (including when you contact us and/or submit personal information to us through data entry fields on the Website), 我们可能会向您收集以下资料:

  • Contact details. When you contact us, you may provide us with your name, email address, and phone number.
  • Browser and device data. When you visit the Website, we collect certain information about your device (e.g. information about your web browser, IP address, 以及时区)和一些安装在你设备上的cookie. When you browse our Website, 我们也会收集有关您浏览的个别网页的信息, 哪些网站或搜索词将您引至本网站, and how you interact with the Website. 尽管我们通常不会使用这些数据来识别个人, sometimes individuals can be recognized from it.
  • Web forms. 你可以在网站上找到网页表格,在那里你可以提交你的信息. 例如,您可以提交您的联系方式并要求我们与您联系.
  • Messages and communications. 当您与我们联系时,您可能会分享您的个人信息.g. contact details, employer, job title, etc. 我们也会收集您与我们互动的相关信息,例如.g. 日期、时间、联系方式和谈话的主题. Since email communications are not always secure, 我们鼓励您不要在给我们的电子邮件中包含任何敏感数据.

We may combine information we receive about you from other sources with the information that you give to us, but not information provided by our business partners or customers through our services. We may use that information and the combined information for the purposes set out below.

How we may store and use your information

We may collect, store, and use the personal information listed above for the following purposes:

  • To make the Website available to you, 并为您提供适合您个人口味的内容;
  • To communicate with you. When you contact us, we process your contact details and messages based on our legitimate interest in communicating with you and answering the incoming correspondence that we receive;
  • To provide you with the services that you request and to obtain your feedback on such services;
  • To promote other goods and services we offer that are similar to those you have enquired about (“Direct Marketing”). With your consent, 我们将使用您的姓名和电子邮件地址定期向您发送新闻通讯, information about our services, and invitations to events. 您有权随时撤回您的同意. You can opt-out from Direct Marketing by following the instructions in each marketing email you receive from us;
  • To improve and optimize the Website. We will process your browser and device data for our legitimate interest in improving and optimizing the Website (e.g. by generating analytics about how you and others browse and interact with the site). For this purpose, we will not analyze your data on an individual level; all processing will take place on anonymized or pseudonymized data;
  • To protect our legitimate interests. We will process your personal data when necessary to protect or exercise our rights or business interests, e.g. 针对贵方或第三方的索赔,为我方辩护. 这种处理的法律依据通常是为了追求合法利益;
  • To meet legal requirements. We will process your personal data when necessary to comply with our legal obligations under laws, court rulings, or other appropriate legal mechanisms, e.g. 回应公共当局的合法要求;
  • Where you have given us your consent to disclose your personal information to carefully chosen third parties, so that they may contact you (including by SMS and e-mail) with products and services that they think may interest you.

Where do we store your data?

  • 在大多数情况下,我们将在英国境内存储您的个人数据. However, we may store Website data (but not business partner or customer data) in the EU under GDPR. Between the UK and the EU there is an Adequacy Agreement on the levels of Data Protection applied. However, your personal data could, in exceptional situations, 转移到欧盟/欧洲经济区以外并进行处理.
  • Please note that privacy laws in countries outside of the EU/EEA may not be the same as, and in some cases may be less protective than, privacy laws in your country. However, we will ensure that your personal data is processed safely and that adequate safeguards (e.g. standard Model Clauses and Privacy Shield) are in place to protect your personal data.
  • 您可以随时与我们联系,了解有关适用保障措施的更多信息.

Who can access your data?

We will not disclose, sell, or rent your personal information to any third party unless you have consented to this. If you do consent but later change your mind, you may contact us using the contact details above and we will cease any such activity.

However, if a third party acquires all (or substantially all) of our business and/or assets, we may disclose your personal information to that third party in connection with the acquisition. We may also disclose your personal information where we are required to do so by applicable laws, by a governmental body, or by a law enforcement agency.


  • Our employees. We share your personal data with our employees. However, we will restrict access to only those of our employees who need your information to perform their jobs;
  • Group companies. We may share your personal data with other companies within Redwood Technologies Group Limited;
  • Service providers. We will share your personal data with service providers who help us provide the Website to you, or who supply other IT services to us that require the processing of personal data. Most of our service providers act as our data processors and may only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions, or to fulfil their legal obligations;
  • Public authorities. 法律义务可能要求我们分享有关您的信息.g. 回应执法机关的合法要求, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities. Such authorities are data controllers for their processing of your personal data;
  • Legal processes. 我们可能会向法院披露您的个人资料, legal advisors and other parties when needed in connection with a legal process, e.g. 执行我们的条款和条件或保护我们的权利.

Finally, we may also collect anonymized details about visitors to our Website for the purposes of aggregate statistics or other reporting. However, no single individual will be identifiable from the anonymized details we collect for these purposes.

How long do we keep your personal data?

我们需要保留您的数据多长时间取决于上下文, and cannot be specified in advance in all cases. 当我们不再需要您的数据时,我们会将其删除或匿名化. We regularly review our need to keep your data, taking into account the applicable legislation.

  • Contact details and messages. Normally, we will process your contact details and messages for as long as is motivated by the context, in order to respond to and handle your messages;
  • Browser and device data. 我们在收集后保留浏览器和设备数据长达30天;
  • Direct marketing. We will process your contact details (e.g. name and email address) for marketing purposes until you unsubscribe from our mailings.
    We may keep your personal data for longer where it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. 我们也可能在相关责任期间保留某些个人资料.

International transfers

We may transfer personal information that we collect from you to third party data processors located in countries that are outside of the UK in connection with the above purposes. 如果您继续使用本网站,即表示您同意我们进行此类转让. Please be aware that countries that are outside the UK may not offer the same level of data protection as the UK; however, we will ensure that any transfer will continue to be governed by this privacy and cookies policy.

What are your rights?

Where applicable to you, you have the following rights in respect of our processing of your personal data:

  • Right to object. 您有权基于合法利益反对处理. 您可以4118云顶集团了解更多4118云顶集团所做的平衡测试的信息. 您也有绝对的权利反对直接营销;
  • Right to access and transfer your data. 您有权要求获得我们处理的有关您的个人数据的副本, 以及关于如何收集数据的附加信息, processed, shared, etc. You may also have the right to transfer your personal data to another data controller;
  • Right to rectification. You have the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself;
  • 删除权(也称为“被遗忘权”). 您有权要求我们删除有关您的个人资料;
  • Right to restriction. You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data should be limited until inaccurate or incomplete information about you has been corrected, or until an objection from you has been handled;
  • Right to withdraw your consent. 您可以随时撤回您给予我们的任何同意. However, please note that such withdrawal will not affect any processing that has already taken place.

You can read more about your rights here.

Want to exercise your rights? Please contact us by telephone and ask for the Data Protection Officer, or email us at:

How do we protect your personal data?

We want you to feel confident about providing us with your personal data at all times. We have taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, alteration and erasure.

Should a security breach occur that may materially impact you or your personal data (e.g. risk of fraud or identity theft), we will contact you to explain what action you can take to mitigate potential adverse effects of the breach.


Should you feel that we have not complied with our obligations regarding your personal data, please let us know using the contact details above and we will address your concerns.

You may also raise your concern through the Information Commissioner’s Office (the supervisory authority in the United Kingdom):

Alternatively, you may raise your concern with the supervisory authority in the country where you live or work.


We work hard to keep your data safe. 我们使用技术和组织措施相结合来确保, as far as is reasonably possible, the confidentiality, integrity, 以及您提供给我们的个人信息的可用性. 然而,互联网上的任何传输都不能保证是安全的. Consequently, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any personal information that you transfer to us over the Internet.

Links to other websites

本网站包含指向第三方运营的其他网站的链接. Please note that this privacy and cookies policy applies only to the personal information that we collect through the Website, and we cannot be responsible for personal information that third parties may collect, store, or use through their websites. You should always read carefully the privacy and cookies policy of each website you visit.

Access by children

We do not and will not knowingly collect information from any unsupervised child under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, 除非获得同意,否则您不得使用本网站, and are supervised by, a parent or guardian.


像大多数公司一样,我们在网站上使用cookie和类似的技术. You can read our cookie policy below to learn more about what cookies we use and how to control them.

We use cookies on the Website to provide you with an optimal and personalized user experience. Cookies are used to outline which parts of the Website you are using and how often. Cookies can also optimize your visits, by storing your passwords and other preferences, for your convenience.

Cookies是很小的,通常是加密的文本文件,位于浏览器目录中. They are used by web developers to help users to navigate their websites efficiently, and to perform certain functions. cookie是在用户浏览器加载特定网站时创建的. 网站将信息发送到浏览器,然后浏览器创建一个文本文件. 每次用户都回到同一个网站, 浏览器检索该文件并将其发送到网站的服务器. cookie包含传输到计算机硬盘驱动器的信息, 但它们不包含可以被其他人阅读的个人信息. More information can be found at

We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. 这些cookie是网站运行所必需的. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log in to secure areas of the Website;
  • Performance cookies. 这使我们能够识别和计算网站访问者的数量, 并了解访问者在使用网站时如何在网站周围移动. 这有助于我们改进网站的工作方式, for example by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

Most web browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies as the default setting. If you do not want to receive cookies, you can block them by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies (use the ‘help’ function to get to the relevant setting). However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies), 您可能无法访问本网站的全部或部分内容.

Changes to our privacy and cookies policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy and cookies policy in future will be posted on this page. 请经常回来查看任何更新或更改. Your continued use of the Website after any modification to the privacy and cookies policy will constitute your acceptance of such modification.

End of document

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